written by Gabrielle Ahuli‘i, illustrated by Jing Jing Tsong The eighth title in the Hawaiian Legends for Little Ones series, Lea Goddess of Canoe Builders introduces kids ages 0-4 to one of Hawai‘i’s lesser-known deities, Lea. In simple, poetic language, this story gives small kids a taste of Hawai‘i’s rich history of storytelling. Lea, the goddess of canoe builders, lives in the forest but will often fly over the shore, keeping an eye on the many canoes she has helped carvers create. As an ‘elepaio bird, she guides carvers to the greatest trees in the forest and makes sure their wa‘a are steady and strong. The other titles in the series are: Māui Hooks the Islands, Māui Slows the Sun, Hina, Pele Finds a Home, Naupaka, Hi‘iaka Battles the Wind, and Kaiona Guides the Lost--all legends that will give kids a wider view of Hawaiian culture, history, and its natural world. 5 x 6 inches 16 pages $8.95 ISBN 978-1-949000-33-7 |